This Week in Worship

Worship & Sermon Previews

The Details

“Be merciful…,” 

Tonight’s special service starts our series on “Praying with a Purpose”. We will consider: “Our Father who art in heaven,” and we will ask: “Hallowed be thy name.” Worship takes place at church at 6 PM tonight (Monday the 17th). Pick up a friend and join us! 

What does a Christian life look like? That’s the question you will have answered for you in worship in the rest of the services this week. The sermon text comes from Luke 6:27-36. We’ll find that our Christian lives are flights from selfishness to selflessness—in imitation of Jesus. Services are at 7:00 PM this Wednesday the 19th, 6:00 PM this Saturday the 22nd and 7:30, 9:00, & 10:45 AM this Sunday the 23rd. 

Spanish Service takes place at 6:30 PM, this Sunday night the 23rd. 

“…just as your Father is merciful.”