Benefits of Worship

It would be worth getting to worship this week…, if only to sing our Savior’s praise.

Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.

Psalm 96:2

When people have done something kind for us, we feel a real desire to thank them. And the more greatly they have benefited us, the more extravagantly we care to express our appreciation.

How true that is in our relationship with God! We owe our very existence to him, and every breath we take. He has breathed into us eternal life by way of his Spirit, operating through his Word. Our dear Lord sacrificed his own Son, our Savior, rather than destroying us for our sins. His resurrection to life is our everlasting victory.

All of this is such magnificent news that it will not do merely to acknowledge it occasionally, or even to speak about it once in awhile. No, we must regularly sing our praise to God—just as we will do when he delivers us into his presence in paradise. Singing our Savior’s praise is another great reason to get to church every week!