Insights into Stewardship

A Gift Can Be Life-Saving

“Abigail hurried … and loaded supplies on donkeys.”

1 Samuel 25:18

A gift is a welcome expression of love. Sometimes a gift is more. A gift can be downright life-saving. The gift of an organ transplant—that can save a life. The gift of money to purchase medicine or some other vital necessity—that saves lives. 

Abigail gave a gift that saved a life. Her husband Nabal – whose name means “fool” – foolishly and selfishly and wrongfully angered David. David made immediate plans to kill Nabal and all males in his household. Abigail prepared for David the gift Nabal should have given: ample provisions for David’s men. Abigail spoke to David the words Nabal should have spoken: words of blessing and thanks. Abigail gave gifts that rescued her (drunk) husband’s life. 

Every week you have the opportunity to give a gift to save a life—in fact, an eternal soul. It’s your offering that frees our pastors to preach and teach and reach others. It’s your gift to Christ that affords our teachers the days to teach our own children and others the good news of salvation in Jesus. 

We all look for good “buys” for our money. What if you could use your money to buy somebody a hearing of his Savior or her Redeemer, who bought us with his own blood? You have that financial opportunity—and you know what to do about it….