Insights into Stewardship

More Than a Hundred Times Your Investment

“You will receive a hundred times as much and inherit eternal life”

Matthew 19:29

We’re all intrigued when we’re promised a big return on our investment. In fact, that’s a trap for a lot of gamblers (and a warning to all of us). A genuine deal is a quite a rarity in the real world. Sure, had we invested hundreds of dollars in tech stock at the very start, we’d have tens of thousands now—but who knew? Most often, when folks promise us a rich return, we know it reflexively: They’re trying to bilk us out of our money. 

Jesus, however, always keeps his promises. He promised: “Everyone who has left homes or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, because of my name, will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29). Wow, that’s quite a deal! If we invest ourselves in Jesus, the results will overwhelm us! Some moments’ attention to his Word calms our soul all day long. A moderately generous offering brings his Gospel to multiple people. A lifetime of confidence in him brings an eternity’s presence with him. 

After all, as Jesus says to us: We do not earn, but we inherit eternal life. The heavenly estate belongs to us because we belong to our Father, who adopted us at the price of the blood of his Son. Realizing that all the riches of paradise are someday ours, we invest a goodly share of our earthly riches in our offerings—knowing we’ll never run out of either money or blessings.